CXXIter 0.2
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CXXIter::fn Namespace Reference

Namespace that contains helper functions providing commonly required functionality when working with CXXIter. More...


template<size_t FIELD_IDX>
auto unzip ()
 Helper to construct a lambda that extracts the FIELD_IDX-th element from tuples or pairs passing through the iterator. More...
template<typename TDynCastTarget >
auto tryDynCast ()
 Helper to construct a filterMap() lambda that takes a pointer, dyncasts it to the requested type and returns a std::optional<TDynCastTarget> with the result if the cast was successfull. More...
template<typename TItem , typename TFilterExtractFn >
auto filterIsOneOf (TFilterExtractFn filterExtractFn, const std::initializer_list< TItem > &acceptedValues)
 Helper that constructs a filter() lambda that filters the iterator elements by calling the given filterExtractFn on each element and then checking whether that is contained in the given list of acceptedValues. More...
template<typename TItem >
auto filterIsOneOf (const std::initializer_list< TItem > &acceptedValues)
 Helper that constructs a filter() lambda that filters an iterator's elements by checking whether they are contained in the given list of acceptedValues. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace that contains helper functions providing commonly required functionality when working with CXXIter.

These functions are small helper functions that can be used in conjunction with the iterator API interface. For example by constructing lambdas for reusable tasks with a clear and concise API, instead of copying the lambda code itself everywhere it is needed.

Function Documentation

◆ filterIsOneOf() [1/2]

template<typename TItem >
auto CXXIter::fn::filterIsOneOf ( const std::initializer_list< TItem > &  acceptedValues)

Helper that constructs a filter() lambda that filters an iterator's elements by checking whether they are contained in the given list of acceptedValues.

acceptedValuesList of values that are allowed to remain in the iterator.
Lambda that can be passed to CXXIter::filter to filter the iterator elements with a given list of acceptedValues.

Usage Example:

enum class CakeType { Sacher, ButterCake, CheeseCake, ChocolateCake, StrawberryCake };
struct Cake {
CakeType type;
float volume;
bool operator==(const Cake& o) const { return o.type == type && o.volume == volume; }
std::vector<Cake> input = {
{ CakeType::Sacher, 1.33f }, { CakeType::CheeseCake, 5.0f },
{ CakeType::ButterCake, 2.33f }, { CakeType::Sacher, 42.0f },
{ CakeType::StrawberryCake, 1.6f }, { CakeType::ChocolateCake, 55.0f },
{ CakeType::Sacher, 3.63f }, { CakeType::StrawberryCake, 14.0f }
std::vector<CakeType> output = CXXIter::from(input)
.map([](const Cake& cake) { return cake.type; })
.filter(CXXIter::fn::filterIsOneOf({CakeType::Sacher, CakeType::ChocolateCake}))
// output == {CakeType::Sacher, CakeType::Sacher, CakeType::ChocolateCake, CakeType::Sacher};
auto filterIsOneOf(TFilterExtractFn filterExtractFn, const std::initializer_list< TItem > &acceptedValues)
Helper that constructs a filter() lambda that filters the iterator elements by calling the given filt...
Definition: Helpers.h:120
constexpr SrcMov< std::remove_cvref_t< TContainer > > from(TContainer &&container)
Construct a CXXIter move source from the given container.
Definition: CXXIter.h:2188

Definition at line 157 of file Helpers.h.

◆ filterIsOneOf() [2/2]

template<typename TItem , typename TFilterExtractFn >
auto CXXIter::fn::filterIsOneOf ( TFilterExtractFn  filterExtractFn,
const std::initializer_list< TItem > &  acceptedValues 

Helper that constructs a filter() lambda that filters the iterator elements by calling the given filterExtractFn on each element and then checking whether that is contained in the given list of acceptedValues.

filterExtractFnLambda that extracts a value for each iterator element, which is then searched for in the list of acceptedValues.
acceptedValuesList of comparison-values that are allowed to remain in the iterator.
Lambda that can be passed to CXXIter::filter to filter the iterator elements with a given list of acceptedValues.

Usage Example:

enum class CakeType { Sacher, ButterCake, CheeseCake, ChocolateCake, StrawberryCake };
struct Cake {
CakeType type;
float volume;
bool operator==(const Cake& o) const { return o.type == type && o.volume == volume; }
std::vector<Cake> input = {
{ CakeType::Sacher, 1.33f }, { CakeType::CheeseCake, 5.0f },
{ CakeType::ButterCake, 2.33f }, { CakeType::Sacher, 42.0f },
{ CakeType::StrawberryCake, 1.6f }, { CakeType::ChocolateCake, 55.0f },
{ CakeType::Sacher, 3.63f }, { CakeType::StrawberryCake, 14.0f }
std::vector<Cake> output = CXXIter::from(input)
[](const Cake& cake) { return cake.type; },
{CakeType::Sacher, CakeType::ChocolateCake}
// output == { Cake {CakeType::Sacher, 1.33f}, Cake {CakeType::Sacher, 42.0f},
Cake {CakeType::ChocolateCake, 55.0f}, Cake {CakeType::Sacher, 3.63f} };

Definition at line 120 of file Helpers.h.

◆ tryDynCast()

template<typename TDynCastTarget >
auto CXXIter::fn::tryDynCast ( )

Helper to construct a filterMap() lambda that takes a pointer, dyncasts it to the requested type and returns a std::optional<TDynCastTarget> with the result if the cast was successfull.

You can use this shortcut everywhere, where a lambda is required that takes an element and returns an std::optional<TDynCastTarget> that is set only when the dynamic_cast() was successful.

Template Parameters
TDynCastTargetType that the elements that are passed to the generated lambda should be cast to.
Lambda that attempts to dynamic_cast() a given element to TDynCastTarget and returns a std::optional<TDynCastTarget> with the result if the cast was successful. And none if it failed.

Usage Example:

struct Parent {
virtual ~Parent() {}
struct Child1 : public Parent {
std::string id;
Child1(const std::string& id) : id(id) {}
struct Child2 : public Parent {};
std::vector<Parent*> input = { new Parent(), new Child1("0"), new Child1("1"), new Child2() };
std::vector<Child1*> output = CXXIter::from(input)
// output.size() == 2
// output[0]->id == "0"
// output[1]->id == "1"
CXXIter::from(output).forEach([](auto ptr) { delete ptr; });

Definition at line 76 of file Helpers.h.

◆ unzip()

template<size_t FIELD_IDX>
auto CXXIter::fn::unzip ( )

Helper to construct a lambda that extracts the FIELD_IDX-th element from tuples or pairs passing through the iterator.

You can use this shortcut everywhere, where a lambda is required that takes a tuple or pair and returns their FIELD_IDX-th element.

Template Parameters
FIELD_IDXIndex of the field to extract.
Lambda that, given an arbitrary tuple or pair, extracts its FIELD_IDX-th element.

Usage Example:

  • Use the tuple's second (idx = 1) field to sort by.
    std::vector<float> input = {1.0f, 2.0f, 0.5f, 3.0f, -42.0f};
    std::vector<std::pair<size_t, float>> output = CXXIter::from(input).copied()
    // output == {{3, 3.0f}, {1, 2.0f}, {0, 1.0f}, {2, 0.5f}, {4, -42.0f}}

Definition at line 39 of file Helpers.h.